WM3: What You Need To Know | PRD Services

In July WM3, or Waste Management 3, came into force. This is the latest technical guidance provided by the Environmental Agency on how to both assess and clarify waste, building on the previous, no outdated guidance provided in WM2.

In many ways a clarification of existing regulations, it has however placed more onerous expectations on producers of waste, particularly in relation to HP14(FORMERLY H14).

The classification of HP 14 is clarified with H code or Risk Phase equations making it particularly difficult for mixtures of materials and some compounds to achieve non-hazardous by HP14 status. This is particularly true of effluents and filter cakes, the standard fare of many industrial and chemical processes.

This will inevitably lead to increase assessment and analysis costs for companies and potentially restrict the opportunities for waste brokers.

Controversy is also the case with the continued declaration of 15.01.10 contaminated packaging as this is an absolute hazard, meaning large quantities of hazardous waste are being consigned to facilities only licensed to receive non-hazardous wastes. Add to this the regular stories of containers emptied to industry standards as empty 15.01.10 containers yet reported to contain several per cent or up to 40 litres of product mean that there is considerable scope for incorrect or under declaration of hazardous waste streams.

Only bona fide hazardous waste facilities are licensed and capable of receiving these with site chemist, infrastructure and appropriate NSDS assessment and method statements.

Packaging Reuse are one such company, for further details regarding how we can meet your hazardous waste requirements, in line with the current legislation, to aid the clarifications of waste stream. It is now more vital than ever to have a team helping handle such issues as:

  • Assisting in identification and analysis of waste in a cost effective manner.
  • Network all hazardous disposal options from Cemfuel, high temperature incineration, TFS and treatment.
  • Identify product and packaging costs properly as part of the overall waste cost:
  • Waste disposal costs:
  • Cost of packaging
  • Cost of manufacturing on raw materials and/or product
  • Cost of disposal
  • Packaging Reuse’s USP is to quantify all three of these costs.

In order to discuss the compliance of your waste stream with WM3, a member of our customer service team can be contacted by calling: 0161 848 0976.

Email enquiries can be sent to us at:
