Are You Paying Too Much For Packaging?
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Are You Paying Too Much For Packaging?
We often hear about how important renewables and recycling is for the environment. We know this often comes with drawbacks for business; either coming at a cost or causing a loss in quality or efficiency. As a result, these issues create important business decisions as well as environmental ones. It is not often that we see recycling as an chance to reduce our business costs while maintaining quality; We explore how you can save money with reconditioned packaging and containers, looking at common concerns on making the switch to recon.
To understand where we can save money, we must look at our unit-cost to understand the issues that effect this process. Manufacturers all produce some form of unit cost per tonne, consisting of packaging and material disposal costs for a period.
As our unit-cost of packaging is based on a commodity, using the correct tool for the job can make all the difference! Often the only other way to impact this cost is through the use of reconditioned packaging. Reconditioned IBCs for example; compared to new packaging, you can save anywhere from 20 to 50%, depending on requirements.
When manufacturers empty their containers, the unfortunate reality is that leftover raw material will be left behind. Consequently, any contractors dealing with disposal must be made aware of the materials left over, including their weight and volume. Correct identification is very important, with the responsibility of correct classification falling on the manufacturer. The unit-cost of material disposal is a major factor in disposal costs that Packaging Reuse aims to combat.
Go Reconditioned
Taking advantage of a change to reconditioned containers means businesses can dramatically reduce their unit-cost of packaging. However, many are hesitant about reconditioned packaging, raising concerns over quality control in addition to product uniformity and contamination. At Packaging Reuse, we combat this problem with our on-site chemist. We are able to analyse your needs and create a solution tailored to fit your business. We find many businesses are able to down-spec their needs after an inspection from Packaging Reuse.
Our chemist is able to help you with your unit-cost of material disposal by carrying out analyses of what you are disposing of. Packaging Reuse ensure that you meet legal requirements, as well as checking that you are using the correct disposal methods and containers. (if you even need containers at all!) Furthermore, we will notify you of any anomalies that occur in your disposal. Often manufacturers end up paying extra, disposing of leftover waste material which often could have been put to effective use. Our inspection team ensures that unwanted wastage is never an issue you have to deal with. With this thorough approach to material disposal, we are often able to reduce disposal costs by up to 50%.
By addressing the above factors, we are able to have a significant impact on the cost of disposal for many companies. PRDS help more effectively deal with waste and find the best-fit solution for businesses. Get in touch with Packaging Reuse today to arrange a consultation on your packaging disposal.