Are you secure from waste crime? II
PRDS | Posted on |

Hazardous packaging loads produce hazardous waste.
Hazardous packaging loads produce hazardous waste.
Drummed hazardous waste loads can cost up to £10,000 per vehicle load.
No wonder waste has become attractive to some who are unscrupulous.
There are many well documented waste piles on farmland, tyres in warehouses, fires hiding a multitude of sins.
But don’t forget that with such large invoices being raised this can also happen with less visible smaller quantities of waste.
Take plastic recycling, thousands of tonnes of plastic contaminated with chemicals and other wastes have been exported in the past.
Although this is receding, there are still unlicensed UK processors who take this material for recycling and any prosecution can include that site’s supply chain.
Tankers making illegal deposits make regulators and water operators life more and more difficult as years go by.
And with stretched enforcement staff, it is easy to accept the story that this is licensed and acceptable.
Don’t be fooled! View the permit.
Don’t be fooled.
View the permit.
Check waste acceptance procedures.
Ensure signed waste returns are filed.
The electronic system behind waste movements can catch up with you.
At Packaging Reuse we use only UK reprocessors for our plastic recycling.
Packaging Reuse has rigorous pre-acceptance.
We will give free advice on your disposal options and paper trail with no obligation.
For further information about our dedicated reconditioning and recycling services, or to arrange a meeting with our team to discuss a solution for your residual requirements for waste management and packaging recycling, a member of our dedicated customer service team can be contacted by calling: 0161 848 0976
Email enquiries can be sent to us at: