Banging The Drum For Reuse
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Banging the Drum for Reuse
Inevitably, the current economic climate will see rationalisation across the whole of the UK’s infrastructure – and the recycling sector is no different.
Is your current service provider offering continuity of service – for example for your drum disposal and drum recycling? Are you still able to source your reconditioned metal drums and other reconditioned packaging as readily as you used to?
There is also your duty-of-care to consider when sending drums and IBCs for recycling. As the producer of the waste, it’s your responsibility to ensure the scrapyard or re-processor that you send them to has the correct permit. Metal drums contaminated with hazardous substances must be properly decontaminated before recycling – don’t leave yourself open to prosecution when one of your drums turns up in the wrong place with your labels all over it.
At Packaging Reuse, drum disposal and drum recycling has been our business for almost 30 years. We specialise in hazardous packaging collection from our fully permitted Manchester facility and offer solutions nationally for reuse and recycling of steel and plastic drums and IBCs. With dedicated Chemist support and the widest range of reprocessing solutions, full compliance and best-cost solutions at all times is what we do. With a full range of reconditioned packaging of all grades, we will always look to offer an appropriate alternative to the expensive new IBC or drum, saving money and encouraging reuse.
Packaging Reuse do our bit by making recycling and reuse easier for your company, providing services that help to reduce our impact on the environment and make the world a cleaner place for everyone.