Waste Hierarchy – Drum Man has arrived! our new team member
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Waste Hierarchy – Drum Man
Drum Man – Waste Hierarchy
Welcome to Packaging Reuse, looking forward to seeing what Drum Man finds to talk about. The first version talks about the waste hierarchy and how companies can work with the environment and businesses. Ensure the best methods appropriate are used.
We can help you find the best option for your waste, we also have an in-house chemist which we should be talking about more, so if you are unsure please ask us and if there are any doubts or queries are chemist is on hand to advise and make sure that the correct methods are used.
Look out for Drum Man on social media – LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. He brings a smile to your face whilst giving interesting educational informative communications within the recycling and environmental sectors.
contact details
Packaging Reuse
We will give free advice on your disposal options and paper trail with no obligation. Please contact us on 0161 848 0976 or
When choosing your hazardous waste or packaging removal company it is useful to understand the relationship with the waste hierarchy.
At Packaging Reuse we monitor raw materials presented as waste on behalf of our customers, and inform them of potential production non- conformances, if we receive regular or large quantities of raw material as waste.
This first element of the waste hierarchy PREVENTION is generally not even considered by waste transfer stations.
Our bespoke service then maximises reuse for packaging back into industry. Non-reusable material is presented to our range of cleaning and processing solutions to prepare recyclate for our network of UK REPROCESSOR trading partners in metal, polymer and fibre.
Further material is then handled via an MRF facility leaving negligible landfill at the end of our process.
In considering the waste hierarchy check the systems of your hazardous waste and packaging disposal suppliers, you may be surprised how far down the hierarchy some operators are.